Hello. I am first a Christian. Saved and forgiven by the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. I am next a husband, father, and grandfather.

I am a King James Bible believer and a Baptist, as I adhere to the following Baptist distinctives:

Biblical authority
Autonomy of the local church
Priesthood of every believer
Two offices: pastors and deacons
Individual soul liberty
Separation of church and state
Two ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s table
Saved church membership. Whose membership would consist of only those who are saved and baptized by immersion.

I would be considered a Fundamentalist as I hold to these fundamental truths:

The inspiration and preservation of the Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments.
The creation of man as a direct act of God.
The literal six day creation as told in the book of Genesis. I believe in a young earth. I do not hold to the theory of evolution.
The reality of the literal miracles of the Bible.
The incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The sinless life of our Savior.
The literal death of Christ in his vicarious atonement for the sins of all mankind on the cross.
The physical, literal resurrection of Christ from the dead.
I am a Dispensationalist in my interpretation of the Bible.
I distinguish between Israel and the church. Each has its own proper place. I do not hold to replacement theology.
I distinguish between the rapture and the second coming of Christ.
I believe that the second coming of Christ is pre-millennial, and the rapture is pre-tribulational.

My view on the King James Only issue: King James Only (Link to Way of Life Ministries, David Cloud Web Site)
Another statement concerning my position on the King James Issue: King James Bible (Link to Bible Truth, Cooper Abrams III Web Site)